The Board meeting was held at Houston on February 28, 2010 to have open and effective discussion for framing the two year action plan s and solving growth obstacles.
The Secretary made a brief to the Board of IFMA on the preparations for the Action Planning. The purpose of the preparation is to engage participants in an open and transparent discussion of the issues facing IFMA with the goal of generating valuable input to the Board for the Association抯 policy and strategy setting. Several past Board chairs and other representatives of the membership will be participating with Board members. The objectives of the board meeting were identified as follows:
Engage attendees in an open dialog on key issues facing the organization
Build consensus and buy-in among participants on the organization抯 strategic direction;
Generate thoughtful recommendations that can guide future Board action and strategy;
In addition to the IFM and SIFM Programs Special Task Force input, the Planning Committee is tasked with preparing background materials for the decision making groups.
The Board summarized the following actions and plans:
Begun discussions on the areas for priority focus.
Meetings with other financial management related non-for-profit and non- political societies, to keep the Committee informed of latest developments in best practices.
Reviewed and discussed the results from the society survey, particularly the areas identified by respondents as being operational or programming priorities in the future.
In the end of 2010, the Guiding Principles, which will serve as a statement of purpose and operating philosophy to which the Association and the Board will refer going forward.
Rules of Operation document that outlines the process by which the Association will be developed.
Society integration was an important initiative on the Association抯 agenda.
The Association is also considering putting in place a Code of Conduct.